We are so excited and looking forward to this year’s 2022 Tennessee Youth Retreat. We will be meeting at The Cedars of Lebanon State Park on the dates of February 4-6.
We invite all youth ages 12-35 to join us for this fun weekend.
The cost is $60, which covers all food and lodging.
Please send in your application as soon as possible with a nonrefundable deposit of $20.
We also have the option this year of filling out an online application. If doing so it will automatically add a $5 processing fee.
If you have not been able to get your application in yet, please contact us asap so that we may plan accordingly.
We look forward to seeing you there!
What do I need to know?
- The address for the campground is: 328 Cedar Forest Rd. Lebanon, TN 37090.
- Bring your own bedding to fit a twin size bed (i.e. sheets, blankets and pillows).
- Bring towels and washcloths.
- Bring a snack to share with everyone on Friday night.
- We will have a time of fun, fellowships and snacks on Friday night.
- We will have service Saturday night as well as Sunday Morning.
- Registration is going to begin at 6:00PM Friday Night.
- We will have times of fun & recreation as well as times of worship please plan to dress accordingly.